: If I see an ”Ai” generated image on your blog post I will click away immediately. I don’t care …

: I’ve complained a lot about the state of web development. However, Astro is amazing! It does …

: It’s such a tragedy how the most difficult thing about programming is rarely the programming …

: It’s don’t like rain during concerts, but feeling a gentle drizzle while Massive Attack played …

: Sometimes Apple in their attempt to have cute branding end up with really militaristic sounding …

: Var på SKOKS (Skeivt kunst- og kultursenter i Oslo) på deres marked på søndag og på jubileumsfesten …

: Hot take: it was totally reasonable for Apple to cut 32-bit macOS support when they did. They warned …

: With great bokeh comes great responsibility to stop down the aperture on the lens.

: I am tired of artistically ambitious movies so often centering on something gross, disgusting and …

: Loving the new Dr. Who. The writing seem to be some of the best it’s been in years and the Ncuti …

: A lot of my usage of tabs in browsers is because I don’t trust the back button. The modern web is …

: I wonder if there’s some fantasy universe where (Dark) Lords of Chaos are just very concerned …

: I’ve been curious about learning Flutter for a good while, but seeing Google firing lots of people …

: My opinion on architecture is that there should be a lot more colour. Not everything needs to be …

: Ravel by Katia & Marielle Labeque is such a gorgeous album. The piano tones are just so …

: Thatcher absolutely was awful, but it’s quite telling that no men that pushed the exact same …

: Find it kinda upsetting that unless you engage with Facebook, Facebook Messenger og (also …

: Running on Doom on a satelite and using actual space photos for the skybox @olafurw@mastodon.social …

: The new EP Mahal by Glass Beams is absolutely amazing. I’ve been looking forward to it since …

: Just finished playing Limbo again. What an gorgeous game (with interesting puzzles). It’s …

: From what I can tell Tailwind is usually replacing JavaScript-based styling solutions, not vanilla …

: Been playing Cocoon, and it’s such a gorgeous game puzzle game. It’s by the lead game designer on …

: Lately I’ve been playing Cocoon, and it’s such a beautiful game (and for the most part) …

: I don’t really like subscription software services, but I’m considering getting a …

: Josh Collinsworth with Classic rock, Mario Kart, and why we can’t agree on Tailwind comes with …

: We all should have seen it coming. Dark Brandon pushing Rust. White House PRESS RELEASE: Future …

: Giving up on dark mode. I was a light mode during the day, dark mode during the night kind of …

: You gotta check out this incredible song Mahal by Glass Beams. The roots of the band members lies in …

: You should look at this beautiful creative coding piece by @hamoid@genart.social: …

: One of my biggest frustrations with both Apple Music and Spotify is that eventually they mess up …

: What are some albums you like that are really well produced? 🎵

: People wanting a more progressively enhanced web focus too much on dunking on specific tech (React, …

: Hot take: aren’t reducers (Redux, etc.) just a less efficient version of objects with encapsulation?

: One of my favourite features of Micro.blog continues is the lack of some features: no boost/retweet, …

: Free Software people who harshly judge people for not being technical are… something else. …

: The actual gameplay of Palworld looks like a really interesting blend of genres… but it really looks …

: If OmniFocus 4 is any indication, making good UIs in SwiftUI is still difficult. Omni Group spent …

: I’m Norwegian and relatively used to cold winters, but I must admit that -22 °C (-7.6 °F)… is so …

: If I want to read an ebook (on iOS, Mac) and I’d also like be able to copy-paste sections from it …

: I wonder if more available ”AI”/ML image generation and manipulation stuff will lead to …

: While the clicky keyboard case for iPhone is not for me, I’m surprised by how angry some people seem …

: I think it’s unfortunate that the + operator in programming often has different meaning compared to …

: I despise the fact that Microsoft Word is such a standard for cooperating on text documents. No …

: I despise the fact that Microsoft Word is such a standard for working in the same products. No …

: It’s such a tragedy that for most ebooks, you can’t copy text. It would be wonderful for research …

: Photograph the People You Love. This video by Matt Day is very impactful for me. A few years ago, I …

: I’ve generally been happy with my Apple Watch over the years, but one thing I’ve always missed from …

: The iOS update to Safari where it shows tab groups at the bottom when entering the tab overview is …

: I may have burned my finger, but bread baking day is still a good day!

: Finally, got my Covid-19 booster vaccine! Kinda surprising that some of the things that made me the …

: Does there exist browser extensions that can warn you if content is generated by LLMs, ”Ai”, etc? …

: October is too damn early for snow!

: Instructions that are strict, but unclear, are nightmare fuel for neurodivergent people. It’s like …

: Absolute love this ode to the brilliant, moody, eerie atmosphere of Halo: CE from 2001. Highly …

: The Norwegian prime Jonas Gahr Støre minister just rejected the idea of setting up an …

: I wish I could rent a camera and lenses in Norway. Some lenses are expensive, niche, and you only …

: It’s been so long since I’ve been in an airport that now I feel like I’m i Half-Life 2. The only …

: Wish YouTube let me find videos with english subtitles/CC. I’ve appreciated getting a non-anglo …

: Your blog post or news article should include a published date (at the top). I’m still baffled …

: Not sure when it happened, but people taking loudspeaker in public is something si notice happening. …

: It’s very unfortunate that technology simply gets too old and often not before long you can’t even …

: On the Simple Joys of Shooting Digital Like Film When you’re shooting digital like film, you’re …

: Svelte 5: Introducing Runes. The upcomig version or Svelte it basing its state and reactivity story …

: From a DX perspective, Svelte 5 runes seems to have the advantages of React hooks, without any of …

: Now that Svelte (with Svelte 5) is also going for signals for state management, it really seems like …

: I’ve been consuming some analysis on the war in Ukraine, and the way that equipment and soldiers …

: The web industry ought to be ashamed of the fact that the back button is simply not reliable on …

: Jeremy Keith explaining why multi-page web apps should be the default. I think that the example app …

: The frontend/backend divide is weirdly defined. The frontend role is defined by code running in the …

: I love Micro.blog, but replying to more than one person is a nightmare. Really wish that worked …

: Hey never heard drum and bass in an Apple presentation. Drum and bass is never bad thing. Everything …

: iPhone Pro having 120mm equivalent focal length lens at f2.8 might be enought to actually have some …

: It doesn’t really matter that iPhones have way better GPUs and displays when the games on …

: I find the action button interesting. I haven’t really used silent mode for years (the phone …

: Finally moving towards all phones charging in the same way with both wired (USB-C) and wireless …

: I appreciate Apple never using the silly term ‘Ai’, opting for the more appropriate …

: Good to see improvements to the fake bokeh with portrait mode. My problem with it was never that it …

: I’m still sad they cancelled the iPhone mini. (And I feel for Android users who want a small …

: Tough a positive step, I’m just not impressed by the biggest company in the world boasting …

: If double tap works with gloves on that would be really practical in the Norwegian winter. …

: I like that there’s finally a pink-ish Apple Watch again. Mine still works so I don’t …

: It is cool and good that Apple is integrating life saving functionality (systems for calling for …

: HTMX seems to be to JavaScript as Tailwind is to CSS.

: It may look slightly silly, but an iPad Mini with a small external keyboard and mouse works …

: I like how my upcoming web design looks aesthetically, but I also know it’s flawed (contrast …

: Every time I follow a tutorial now and the site just seems slightly off and… not quite human, I …

: Maybe React technically speaking is ”just JavaScript”, but Svelte feels like it’s actually just …

: What would you choose between silicon chips and potato chips if you could only have one?

: I’d like to have autocomplete for my terminal. Not only for the commands, but more importantly: for …

: Someone made a versjon of Doom that runs on Intel 8088 (mostly)! hackaday.com/2023/09/0…

: I keep tweaking my upcoming redesign of my website in Sketch… but I should just accept that …

: When writing tutorials, please write out the worded version of terminal commands. Someone reading a …

: It’s that time again when I’ve filled up my YouTube watch later list (it’s max 5K …

: People made fun of the race to make smaller, thinner and lighter phones, but to this day the iPhone …

: I very rarely see links having different colour for visited and unvisited states on the web. Even on …

: Not to gloss over people’s genuine loss in Twitter going down the tubes, but I definitely see silver …

: JavaScript isn’t bad, it’s just that you shouldn’t use it on the client if you don’t truly need it …

: People in the modern/trendy webapp development world are talking about JavaScript usage and many …

: Does anyone have recommendations for music apps that allow you to control your music library yet …

: Sick of music services (Apple Music, Spotify) messing up my music library. What kind of database …

: The purpose of smart lights is to communicate with your spouse through morse code.

: Baldurs Gate shows people are happier with a polished game with last generation graphics and tech …

: I think that Liberals in the US and Social Democrats in Europe are the true Conservatives these …

: I think the concept of technology being transparent being at it’s best is fascinating since it can …

: I feel like * { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.15); } is to CSS as printf/console.log is to …

: Reason I’m kinda wary of hosting on Vercel is that it’s a free tier so that make’s …

: If I host a static website on Vercel, I don’t include any JS trackers like Google Analytics on …

: I sort of get the sense that there are quite a few of Apple platform developers here on Micro.blog …

: Flower petal are kinda like QR codes for pollinators.

: Bluesky demonstrate that some people really liked the Twitter-like format and strongly dislikes …

: Twitter account deactivated.

: After giving up on cordless vacuum cleaners as a concept, I finally got a proper traditional vacuum …

: I asked on my Mastodon account what was the recommended approach for using SwiftUI on Mac (through …

: I find description of Arc Browser as something more than a browser like an OS for the internet kinda …

: To learn dev for Apple platforms (SwiftUI) I’m considering making a cross-platform app. Unsure …

: I find it perverse how because of machine generated bullshit crowding up search results I end up …

: The silver lining of Musk’s renaming Twitter to X is that we have a convenient way to refer to …

: Really enjoyed this piece on how Camera specs don’t tell the whole story by @rubenerd / …

: The Verge on Musk renaming Twitter to X These super apps are like rolling together Twitter, …

: I think this is the third time I’m trying out Micro.blog and I truly think it might be the charm. I …

: Realised I don’t actually hate web apps, and it’s not why I prefer native apps. …

: Bread baking day is a good day. Looking forward to a fresh and crispy lunch! 🍞

: I have a pretty strong preference for iPhone, but the UI for your home screen (apps) is just plain …

: Now that the Arc Browser has gone 1.0 (out of beta basically), I’ve decided to give it another …

: I discovered through TidBITS that Safari has vertical tabs!. So I tried, and sure enough you can …

: Do you place your app icons in convenient locations based on which apps you’d like to be using often …

: Pretty exited to order Hypecritical t-shirts from @siracusa@mastodon.social. Psyched that I could …

: Since Micro.blog is both fediverse-compatible (followable from Mastodon) and syndicates both Bluesky …

: Not sure if I’ll stick with micro.blog with this second attempt, but one thing I really …

: Going back to try Micro.blog as my Fediverse thing. It’s very important for me to be …

: Exhibition design over what is exhibited A couple of days ago I visited the Norwegian National Museum. I find it interesting how the layout …

: Testing Micro.blog federation improvements that now makes alt text work on images. (It always worked …

: How are people using hosting with Micro.blog? I read about how it works and it’s clear it can do a …

: I’m testing image how descriptions work actors federation. With a photo of a cat of course.

: Finally tried Apple Music recommended playlist (‘New ‘Mix’) and so far it’s …

: Just trying out social networks during the bird chaos. So far I have to say I really enjoy the …